
A friend is someone who likes you for you.  A friend listens and cares.  A friend is kind and trustworthy. A friend makes you happy.  A friend helps you when you need it.  Friends think about you even when you’re not around.  They know what will make you happy or sad, bothered or worried, and they do something about it.

This poem by Langston Hughes is one of my favorites.  It says a lot in a small, quiet way.

Poem by Langston Hughes

“I loved my friend.

He went away from me

There’s nothing more to say

The poem ends,

Soft as it began –

I loved my friend.”

My world is happier when I share it with friends.

8 thoughts on “Friendship

    • Thank you Katherine. I feel very thankful that you are in our class this year and that we will get to spend the whole year together.

  1. Hello Mrs. Eaves,
    I wanted to check up on your site and your blogs! I’ve been reading around the student blogs too! Although I can’t comment on all of them, I hope they can know that they are being read!

    I love the Langston Hughes poem you shared. I shared that poem with my 5th graders this year too. To me it is a sad and powerful poem. It makes me think of my NHS friends!

    I hope you are all well!
    We have a Blizzard Bag Day tomorrow and then a weekend of ski racing coming up!
    Talk to you soon,
    Mrs. Wyman

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